Apr 15, 2014

Signe Tillisch coming home and New Flowerbeds in making

Two amazing days in the garden and it just get warmer and lighter by the day!

Perfect to be outside and forget time and have a thermos with coffee out there to be able to sit down for a Fika/coffee rbeak now and then to reflect.

In a few days time our village Garden center: Lövstabruks Trädgårdsmästeri opening up, can hardly wait

Today I wen't to Fredriksson's Plant in Östhammar to pick up my Apple tree "Signe Tillisch", a old Danish kind which I love in Apple Pies, and can be used far into the fall.
Well, I don't have a car, or drivers license for that matter. 4 meter tall Signe and I had to take the bus back home to Lövstabruk. But now she's home :D

I have started to work with my half shadow flowerbed north side of my barn. It's in shadow between 13:00 & 16:00 in the part I worked now.
First down is the Park Rhododendron Yakushimanum "Fantastica", 2x Bugle Ajuga Reptans/Revsuga & a Day Lily/Daglilja "Joan Senior".
More to come....
On the same north side of the barn, but with 80% shadow I plant Ferns and others along the wall
 The one above have no name, the one below is the stunning Dryopleris Affinis Fern

I also finished the preparations for the north bed in my "Formal" garden
It was hard work, a lot of slag stone/slaggsten and roots from the Snowberry/Snöbär bush, but worth it, the soil is amazing. When I can afford it I will buy a metal edge to put towards the hedge.

In the corner did I put a Japanese Cherry bush that I rooted myself. To give it a break from the Snowberry did I put it in a deep large bottomless plastic pot. We'll see if it survive!

In front of it is a large bowlshaped planter which i will make in to a water feature later,

And in the other end of the garden have the fight against the Nettle forrest/Brännässleskog begun.
There will be a path in the middle to the woodland, the Tarpaulins/Presenningar will be there 1-2 years, not pretty, but a must.

I Loooove when the garden get mixed up with the nature like the edges of the Snowberry bushes at the entrance
The beautiful White forrest Anemone/Vitsippa coming in uninvited, but oh so welcome!

Other progress in my garden just now:

My Climbing Hydrangea/Klätterhortensia already react quickly a few days after coming in the soil
 These fantastic Narcissus actually coming from IKEA and one of those cheap pots with bulbs You can buy there.
 The Rhubarb I got from Evy (unknown kind) are so amazingly powerful and a joy to look at
 Inside have my seedlings of the Organic Cucumber "Picolino" F1 grown out of the 1st pot and now put in larger full size ones until the moving out 

I hope You all have a great time wherever You are!
Don't forget to see the beauty that surround us, small or large!
"Aspectus Forma"

Sincerely, Per!

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