Feb 2, 2016

Square Variations

As a new weaver at the Weaving cottage in Lövstabruk-Uppland do I try to learn it all.

There was a loom with a cotton warp of a really booring light murky purple/pink colour, a little bit 80's, tht no-one wanted to use.
They let me loose on that one and I used a lot of left over yarn of cotton and linen to create a few variations of the square pattern.

In the first variation did I follow the given pattern and used double linen threads of the same colour as the warp to get a damast effect!
The second variation, here I used cotton yarn in light and dark blue, and did a variation on the original pattern,
Third variation. Here I let go of the pattern and let the lenght of the double mix linen yarn in many pink variations decide when to shift the pattern.
In the fourth variation did I the same random weave as in the third, but with cotton and stronger colours.
In the final fifth version did I use green and purple linen, also in a random order, This will be a curtain for the opening to my studio.

Just taken out of another loom is my version of a old pattern where I picked my favorite parts and repeated them in blue and grey into a table cloth to match my favorite ceramics from the artist Susanne Thurfjell that also live here in Lövstabruk
Thank You all for this time, see You again, Per!

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