Mar 2, 2014

Restoration of a hedge & starting to clear the Woodland

I talked yesterday with my gardenbuddy Evy here in Leufstabruk, she told me that there is a place where we can take Snowberry bushplants if I need some. I certainly do, previous renter of my property have taken away parts of the hedge by the entrance and I wish to have it back.

This morning I started to prepare for the plants

Evy and I went to the village compost where the Snowberry bush grow freely and digged up several plants, both for her and I

Back to my house with the plants

On the other side of the entrance it was just impossible to dig, and there is hedgeplants growing back there anyway, so I just cleared it from gravel and put soil on it and cross my fingers for the hedge to grow back within a couple of years

Some decoration is nice outside now when it's spring! Bulbs put in Swedish Höganäs stoneware and a guardian Bronze cat I bought at a Garden Antique market in Bordeaux-France!

In the end of my garden it's a forrest and wetland that partially dry up in the summer!
My plan is to clear it up as much as possibly and do a sort of Woodland/Lund there.
What You see in front of it is all Nestles that where superhigh when I came here in the fall, that will be the biggest challenge.

Today I cleared a little bit highter part where I will put a bench in the future.
The bench there now was a previous feeding table for Venison and have to go, I don't need them in my garden.
Hopefully I will have the area covered with mixed wild Anemones/Sippor for the spring and in the fall I will put seeds here for Ramson/Ramslök. In the water grow Lillies now.

It got colder in the afternoon and I wen't inside to set more seeds:
Tomatoe "Tigerella"
Cucumber Organic "Picolino"
Summer Rudbeckia "Cherry Brandy"
Pelargonium "Sil Hero" & "Quinquelobatum"

And as usual, ending my Gardening day with a well deserved Fika!

Hope You had a great sunday as well, Per!


  1. Very inspiring. No garden time for me yet. There is yet another snow storm coming.

    1. Thank You so much!
      Well, it's very early here this winter and I take advantage of it, usually we have snow in to April here.
      The downer is that the mild weather have been good to Ticks and "Murder" snails as well, that is why I try to work the high grass areas now.
      Best Regards, Per!

  2. I enjoy your blog, your urns and cat group is beautiful, you have great ideas! Your gardens are going to be wonderful! enjoy Marilynn

    1. Thank You Marilynn, it's exciting to create a garden from scratch :D
      The urns are very sought after here, they are old stoneware used for keeping Jam and other garden produce! I'm looking in every auction around here to find more.
      Best Regards, Per!
