Mar 1, 2014

Geraniums and Spring cleaning of the Stream garden

What a productive Saturday, the weather where mild and nice so it was perfect for some gardening.

But first in the morning did I take cuttings from all the Geraniums/Pelargoner, turn out to be over 100 of them, a lot!

I prepared all the trays with soil

The put in the cuttings with namesticks

There is a lot, I will not keep all of them, will probably exchange with others or give as gifts!

The weather was perfect to work outside and I decided to clean up around the stream and the front of the house towards the street.

The Snowdrops are everywhere

Clean and nice, ready for the green grass to come up and what I guess a few surprises :D

Here against the South wall towards the street will I plant Hollyhocks/Stockrosor, I planted one in the fall already

Over the street, the foot bridge over the stream and to what in the old days where kitchen gardens for all these homes. 
I have decided to keep 2-3 meters on the side of the stream clean. That land is now a days owned by a forresting company, but I still want it to look nice from my house.

 These two Black Currant bushes/Svartvinbärsbuskar I discovered in the fall and will take care of them with cleaning up and cut them

The nice surprice in the grass this time was 3 Rhubarb plants/Rabarberplantor, I guess I have to sort them out as well, cannot get enough of Rhubarbs :9

And what better end of a nice day in the garden isn't a Fika (coffee break) with some new and fresh garden magazines, a Perfect Saturday in my mind!

Have a great weekend, Per

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