Jun 25, 2014

The Leufsta Peony in many forms and a strange onion at our cottage

In my village Lövstabruk I often visit Josephina and her Lövstabruks Trädgårdsmästeri/Garden center from 1730's.
I love the athomsphere plus it's a pleasure to chat with Josephine the Gardener/Owner which is passionate about old plants and old garden traditions.

She have a lot of older Pelargoniums in the greenhouse

There is some traditional plants from Lövstabruks Manor house and garden that have been there for many, many years and it is hard to actually say where they come from and when.
One of them that atleast have been here from the end of 1800's, which then where pictured in the then German style garden and that is whats now called the Leufsta Peony.
You can find it here in the Manor House garden and green house, but also in many of the gardens in the village.
It's actually a few different versions of it and Josephine think it has been 7 variations from the beginning.
I have one of them planted in my garden this spring, but will not know until next year hopefully what colour I got. Exciting!

Beautiful settings
The colour of this Lupine is breath taking
So is this Geranium Magnificum/Kungsnäva
This light pink Geranium/Näva I have in my garden as well, bought here.
I planted them in my Iris flowerbed to accent the sharp Iris leafs

Yesterday I wen't to our summer cottage by the Baltic Sea & the river Dalälven to re-dig the composts.
On the way there do I pass these beautiful fields of summer flowers, Blue bells just now.
Well at the cottage I'm always enjoying my mothers cottage garden and it's flowers
We composting everything here, from the garden and the kitchen, with great results. It's such a satisfaction to know you're doing the right thing, and get rewarded with brown gold!

Down by the water we recently discovered a new plant down there in the edge.
We first thought it was a weed, but it looked strange and tasted/smelled Chives/Gräslök but is much sturdier and longer.
Yesterday I discovered a small thicker opening high up on the grass not bigger than a cwntimeter, and out looked small small pinkish onions and a very small yellow flower!
It tastes like mild onion!
Is it anyone that can tell me what it is?

Well with some sparkly water I leave You for now!
Thank You for the visit, Per!

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