Jun 5, 2014

Wild Iris & Trouble in Paradise

Over the road from my frontgarden is a smaller stream. 
Everybody that has been following my blog know that I'm maintaining the area on the other side and that I've discovered and taking care of Rhubarbs, Black Currant, a White Lilac and cutting the grass there.
For a few weeks I felt a strange smell while being over there picking Rhubarbs! I thought it was some small dead animal somewhere and thought it would disappear sooner or later.

The other day when I was suppose to take photos of a Duck family in the stream did I to my horror discover what the stench came from: In the stream was a dead Wild Boar/Vildsvin laying :p
I called the police, that called the community service and next morning they came to take away the cadaver!
Wild Boar doesn't belong in Sweden, but was taken here for hunting pleasure by the landlords in Castles and Manor houses for many years ago. Now they are totally out of control and destroy parks and gardens, so one down!

Paradise restored
Here by the footbridge do I take all the water for my garden, it's very clean, again!
On the other side and along the stream does the Wild Iris Siberica grow and now it's their time to perform
I always liked them, seeing them at my aunt May's summerplace and our own cottage by the Baltic.
And now I have them in my own Paradise, a lot :D

Other Yellow Flowers spreading quickly now as well, the Dandelions/Maskrosor
And with this do I wish You a great day/night!

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